Tales from the Wendy House

Before I get any backlash, I’m very aware that women play golf! But did you know that the top female golfer only earned 7% of the earnings of the top male golfer in 2022? There’s two ways of looking at this. One is to say that if more women played (or watched) golf that may change, or that women are interested in other things.

As a woman who has worked in male dominated environments, company golf days have been a constant. At no point have I been excluded from the invitation to go, but it’s not for me – there, I’ve said it!

Personally, I don’t see why I should attend anything just to make up the numbers or fit it. I feel the same way about sitting on a board. I want to be there because I am the right person and also that I WANT to be there.

So, in July this year, myself and Helen Bailey are going to try to change this. We’re creating our own club. One that’s open to women who may not want to play golf. One that helps us address our self limiting beliefs, one that helps us learn about ourselves as women and one that creates a networking space that fits us.

As I get older, I’ve realised that it’s OK to do what suits you, not what you think suits you. Talking of what suits you, the programme will also include a stylist, a makeup artist and someone who helps unravel the art of what we say and how we say it.

Interested to find out more? Please message me and all will be revealed!

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