Tales from the Wendy House

As an avid reader of all things LinkedIn, I see lots of posts on positivity. People climbing mountains, running marathons and generally doing all things active. Exercise is great for positivity – rayyyyy!!

I hate exercise – it stems from my childhood of being forced to try and climb a rope in the gym at primary school. I was so scared, I’d become paralysed – literally. This started my hate/hate affair with being told what to do especially where exercise is concerned. Gym classes were my Kryptonite. Sports day was my nemesis.

Fast forward to today, I still don’t like being “told” what to do. I still don’t like the thought of going for a walk at lunchtime when in the office. It doesn’t make me feel positive. I don’t get the exercise buzz. It makes me miserable. My Fitness App on my phone tells me that I didn’t reach my target almost every day – I enjoy the challenge of the thought of it getting frustrated with my stubbornness.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a 3 hour stroll around a shopping centre or walk along the beach when on holiday. That’s because it’s what I choose to do.

I would also say that on the positivity scale, I’m probably quite high up there. I look on the bright side, see good in a bad situation and encourage those around me to be positive. All without the need to pound one single pavement or sweat out at a step class.

So what is the point of this post you may ask? Well, I know that I need exercise (I’d be an idiot to argue with millions of humans who love it). I also know that a lot of people release endorphins when exercising and it keeps them sane – this is also true of people who suddenly stop exercising and feel their positivity dwindle away very quickly. But for me, the two are not the same thing. I am positive. It’s who I am. So, to quote a famous Italian Chef – “maximum impact – minimum effort”.

There are so many things that society tells us we should do to be normal. Don’t beat yourself up with this. Just find what’s your normal.

And if you’re wondering what does help me unwind – it’s jazz, my garden and hearing people being happy.

If you’d like to hear more of my meanderings into the world of feeling great…

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